How Safe Is Your Car?
Dummy | 02:46 |
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Car safety has become one of the key selling points in today’s automotive market, and rightly so as the nation’s road toll continues to have a devastating impact on families and emergency services. Huge advancements have been made in terms of safety thanks to the likes of airbags, traction control and brake assist, which combined with design give...
Bosch Iridium Spark Plugs - Review
Dummy | 22:39 |
Car Accessories
Car Interior
Car Parts
Engine Modifications
Spark Plugs
TRU Spoke Wire Wheels
Bosch Performance Spark Plugs
have earned a lot of reputation over the last few years. As far as I can remember, I've done a couple of posts as well on the spark plugs which were on Modifying or Changing Spark Plugs and the second one was on the advantages of Iridium Spark Plugs which compared the Platinum Vs Iridium Spark Plugs.